Business Not As Usual

Communicating and perhaps, for some who think of themselves as a person of few words, over-communicating is essential to keep your team engaged and energized. Looking to people who have led through times of great peril have proven that it’s not as much what or how you say it, but how often you say it. Don’t have anything to say? How about, “how are you doing today?” Simple communication. Be real, be you.

For a historical perspective and a reminder of our optimistic tenacity, do you remember in October of 1989 as we heard about, and many experienced the Loma Prieta earthquake? Sadly, too many lives were lost. Our local economy was brought to a standstill for what seemed like an eternity, but we survived and then flourished.

There are still no words to describe what we felt watching on television as the twin towers collapsed. It was beyond a catastrophe but we survived and then flourished together as a nation.

In March 2008, did you too stare numbly at the television watching Lehman Brothers employees carry personal belongings in cardboard boxes out of the building, their careers brought to a standstill, and the ensuing ripple effect of the financial world? We survived. And then our nation flourished.

Whether big or small catastrophes, as a people of grit and ingenuity, we pick ourselves up and move forward. We need not look too far back to see reasons for inspiration. But, you say, the headlines are pessimistic, our neighbors and we’re scared, and things look terrible. So as leaders, what can we do?

Stay in communication, over-communication with our far-flung families, friends, and, as importantly, our employees, customers, and stakeholders. Now is the time to think way outside of the box as social distancing may be with us for who knows how long. We may not have seen the worst of the economic downturn, but what we have seen before is the resilience and determination of our people and you, our leaders. Whether you are a company of 2 or 200 employees, your leadership is crucial now. Leaders must point the way out of the woods and to the horizon.

We’ve been here before and went on to prosper. People are looking for your active, communicative leadership.

Best wishes from your team at Golden Benchmark.

The post Business Not As Usual first appeared on #No.1 Business Insurance Quotes in California | Golden Benchmark.

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