It is week two of my solo adventure in France. I have learned a lot about myself and group travel. As some of you know, I have lived alone for 20 years and have been retired for nine. I am pretty independent to say the least. So, having to decide whether to travel alone or with a group tour was the question. For my first overseas solo adventure, I planned to go with a group tour.

Pros of group travel
- Someone else is in charge of the arrangements. All you have to do is pay and show up.
- You pay one up front cost usually.
- Someone picks you up at the airport usually making transfers easy.
- You have a ready group of people to hang out with.
- A tour guide or director handles any issues that come up.
- Transportation is,or can be, arranged for you.
- Dining out experiences may have more variety as others may pick somewhere you would never select on your own.
- Typically your guides are local so they know the area well.
- Groups help you feel safe upon arrival. We have 20 people in our tour group, six couples, four widows, two single ladies, and two married ladies who are traveling without their husbands. We are 55+ with the oldest being 95!
Cons of traveling with a tour group
- Some scheduled events may not be to your liking.
- Too much time or not enough time spent at meals or on excursions.
- Some in the group may want to shop all day when you would rather not.
- Group dynamics may not work out. Everyone has a unique personality so issues may arise that you were not expecting.
- Moving from location to location or getting off and on a bus can be exhausting.

Additional things to consider when thinking of joining a tour group
- Your health and overall physical abilities. Some people in our group wear hearing aids and it is difficult using a Vox type listening device. Others are unable to do many stairs so they miss out on some historical adventures. Many are not ADA compliant.
- Access to medical care. Several people in our group got sore throats and sinus infections. Consider taking zinc and D3 supplements days or weeks before travel to build up your immune system. Also, consider isolating yourself if you are not feeling well so others do not get sick while traveling in close proximity to each other in vans and at meals.
- Plan time to explore on you own or just relax in your private space. Today, I am working in the Aix-de-Provence library.
- Check on a map, Google or paper, to familiarize yourself with where you are headed before going out alone. Wifi may not exist once you are out and about. Locals may not speak your language. I find it safer to look like you know where you are going.
- Stay positive and take a break from the group as needed. I skipped two group dinners. The first time I was tried and not hungry. The second time, I was tired of being with some of the group members. At times, it felt as if I was living in a college dorm room with a bit of a pack mentality. Not my cup of tea.
At this time, I have learned that joining a group tour is nice for about a week, but will probably go it lone after familiarizing myself with my surroundings. It really comes down to knowing yourself and what works best for you. Then, stick with your plan.
Do you have other suggestions for traveling solo with a group or just going it alone? Please share them with us.