Old MR2, Politics, And An Angry Iguana - The Legend of Hanuman

Old MR2, Politics, And An Angry Iguana

There aren’t many negatives to FI life, but one of them may be this: It’s a lot easier to say Yes to all of the fun that comes your way. I’ve been home exactly one weekend this year.

The weekend of January 4th, I was messing around in NYC. I got to see Paul Rudolph’s studio:


The weekend of the January 18th, I stayed in a home in Breckenridge with friends.

The next weekend, Mindy and I flew to Los Angeles to see a friend perform:


The next two weekends, I bummed around Florida before going on Amberly Grant’s excellent FinTalks Cruise:

cruise friends bad diet.jpg
The iguana did not appreciate the photography session

The weekend of 2/14, Mindy found a death trap car in Salt Lake City that she couldn’t live without. I flew out to pick it up and road-tripped back.

What’s old is still old

The next weekend, we stayed in a yurt and went snowboarding at Monarch.

monarch fence.jpg

And it’s not over yet.

  • Someone did a horrible remodel on my mom’s house (“Why is it raining in the house?”), so I’ll be packing the tools and road-tripping to Las Vegas to fix it.
  • Then I’ll head to San Diego to see friends David B and Jeremy S. Jeremy is a great human who recently launched Nectarine, a company that allows you to hire CFPs on an hourly basis.
  • On the way to San Diego, I’m going to stop in Indian Wells and catch a tennis match with friends. If anyone is in Las Vegas or San Diego and would like to catch up, shoot me a note or leave a comment.
  • And after I get back from all of this, it’s off to EconoMe.

Then I’m going to stay home for a while.

Down! Down? Down!?

Reader Alice wrote this in a comment:

It is really interesting to hear how things are going for you – especially right now with all the chaos right now.

Chaos is right! But before I get into it, I really HATE talking about politics. It’s bad enough in real life. People get mad and back into their corner. On the internet, it’s 100x worse. The nuance of in-person conversation is lost and people feel emboldened to hurl massive turds at each other. No thanks to any of that. And just to be absolutely clear to ex-reader Jane, my enthusiasm for some of the technology developed by Elon Musk’s companies is not an endorsement of anything else.

Most of us want the same thing; peace, friends, health, and wealth. We have different ideas on how to get there, but that shouldn’t be reason to hate on each other.


Anyway, back to Alice! How are we doing you ask? Well…. Our portfolio is down about $550,000 in the past 30 days. Random thoughts:

  • That is a very big number. But it also won’t matter much long-term.
  • None of this chaos matters to most of us. The folks in the most danger are those that recently retired because of sequence of returns risk. If this is you, I hope you have some cash to live on to ride out the storm. If you’re still in the accumulation phase, consider this an opportunity.
  • We’re considering taking on a very big project. This project will require a big cash outlay and purchasing a lot of construction materials. A market downturn and tariffs could cause us to postpone it. Stay tuned.

I’m off to pack up my tools. I do love road trips. It’s fun to listen to podcasts or an audiobook while watching the world go by.

And perhaps I’ll see one of you on my West Coast adventures.

More 1500 Days!!!

You can also find me (and the dinosaurs) at:

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