Notes From Flyover Country : Democrats dig in on transgender sports: Are they nuts? - The Legend of Hanuman

Notes From Flyover Country : Democrats dig in on transgender sports: Are they nuts?

 President Trump gave a speech to a joint session of Congress last night while Democratic legislators sulked in their seats, looking very much like small children who didn’t get what they wanted for Christmas. Nancy Pelosi appeared particularly unhappy. She wore a sullen expression, angry perhaps that no one gave her a copy of Trump’s speech to tear up.


The Dems are digging in, making it clear to Americans that they hate President Trump and will resist anything he tries to accomplish. Like lemmings rushing to the sea, they are scurrying toward total irrelevance. 

Nowhere is the Democrats’ urge to commit collective suicide more apparent than their opposition to Trump’s efforts to ban boys from participating in girls’ sporting events. The vast majority of Americans think it’s nuts for a boy to be allowed to compete against girls simply because he identifies as female. 

Forty-five Democrats in the U.S. Senate filibustered against a Republican-written bill that would bar transgender athletes from female sports teams–a bill that was supported by a majority of legislators in both houses of Congress. Not a single Senate Democrat voted to allow the bill to go forward for an up-or-down vote.

Sixteen Democratic senators are women, and 15 joined the filibuster, which is astonishing. Do any of these female senators have daughters or granddaughters who participate in girls’ sports? If so, how can they oppose a law banning biological boys from competing against girls at school athletic events?

My granddaughter plays soccer on her high school’s varsity team. She could get hurt if she were forced to compete against a transgender six-footer.

I hope voters remember that 15 Democratic women in the U.S. Senate voted to stall the bill that would bar transgenders from playing on girl’s school sports teams. They should all be voted out of office.

The list of 45 Democratic senators who filibustered the bill banning transgenders from competing against girls in school sports.

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