ILS NYC 2025: With over 200 organisations attending, who can you meet? - The Legend of Hanuman

ILS NYC 2025: With over 200 organisations attending, who can you meet?

With just a few weeks left to register for our upcoming catastrophe bond and insurance-linked securities (ILS) conference, Artemis ILS NYC 2025 is being held in New York on February 7th, here’s a look at who you can meet on the day. Register here to ensure you can join us at the event.

ils-nyc-2025-register-soonFor 2025 our ILS NYC conference theme will focus on capturing opportunities in catastrophe bonds and insurance-linked securities (ILS), both established and new and we will focus part of the day on emerging segments of the ILS asset class.

Already more than 320 attendees are registered for the conference, representing 200 plus organisations, and with tickets still selling ahead of last year, we urge you to register soon to secure your place at the event.

Our agenda and speaker roster are complete for February’s ILS NYC 2025 conference. You can see the full details over on the conference website.

Our New York conference is our flagship event of the year and well-known for the quality of discussions held on stage, the quality of the audience in attendance and the quality of the networking opportunities that run throughout the day.

Tickets are available, but with more than 320 already confirmed to attend and just a few weeks to go they are selling fast. So please register here to secure your place.

At our conferences we leave plenty of time for all-important networking and meetings, with long breaks and a cocktail reception at the end of the day. So, we wanted to let you know who you could meet if you choose to register and attend.

Register to attend ILS NYC 2025 and you can meet representatives from:

Acrisure; Acrisure Re (ARCAS); Aeolus Capital Management; Aksia LLC; Akua Capital; Allianz Commercial; Altamont Capital Partners; AM Best; American Coastal Insurance Corporation; Aon; Apex Group; Appalachian State University; Appleby; Applied Research Associates; Arbol Inc; Arch Reinsurance Ltd.; ArentFox Schiff LLP; Artex Capital Solutions; Aspen Capital Markets; Aspen Insurance Group; Atlantic Intermediaries; Attune; Augment Risk; Avalana Advisiors; AXA XL Reinsurance Bermuda; AXIS ILS; Beazley; Belfer Management LLC; Berkley Re America; Bermuda Monetary Authority; Bermuda Moneatry Authority; Bloomberg; BMO; BMS Group; BMS Re; BNY; California Earthquake Authority; Carey Olsen; CDPQ; Central Insurance Agency; CFAN Hurricane Forecasting; Church Mutual Insurance Compnay; Citi; Citizens Property Insurance Corporation; City and Commercial Insurance Group; Cohen & Company Asset Management; Computershare Trust Company, N.A.; Conning; Conyers Dill & Pearman Limited; CoreLogic; Coventry; CyberCube; Cyberwrite Inc; Cygnus Risk Capital LLC; Cypress Property & Casualty Insurance Company; D.E. Shaw; Deloitte Consulting LLP; Dentons Hong Kong LLP; Descartes Underwriting; Details Management Ltd; Deutsche Bank; Dreyfus; Ducera Partners; Emerald Bay Risk; Emmet, Marvin & Martin, LLP; Encore Investment Management, LLC; Enstar Group; Evercore; Everspan group; Exchange Capital Management; Fermat Capital Management, LLC; Fermat Casualty Management, Inc; Finsight I DealVDR; Fitch Ratings; Foley & Lardner; Fortitude Re; Forvis Mazars Limited; Gallagher Re; Gallagher Securities; Gallatin Point Capital; GC Securities; Gen Re; Georgetown University; GFG; Gillson Capital; Goldman Sachs; Hadron; Hannover Rück SE; Harrington Reinsaurance; HBK Capital Management; Hildred Capital Partners; Hiscox ILS; HOOPP; Howden Capital Markets & Advisory; Howden Re; HSBC; Incline P&C; IncubEx; Infinity Group; Innovative Risk Management, Inc.; Jane Street; Jireh Risk Advisors; Kalachian; KBRA; Kennedys Bermuda; Kestrel Group; Ki Insurance; Koru Risk Management; Krypton Fund Services (Bermuda) Ltd.; Kshema General Insurance; Leadenhall Capital Partners LLP; Ledger Investing; LGT ILS Partners Ltd.; Lockton Re Capital Markets; Lodgepine Capital Management Limited; Lumen Re Ltd.; Machado Meyer Advogados; Magnitude Capital, LLC; Marilla Investment Management; Mayer Brown; McGill and Partners; Mereo Advisors; Moody’s RMS; MS Transverse; MultiStrat; Munich Re; Mythen Re Ltd.; Nascent Group Ltd; Nephila Advisors; Nephila Capital; Neuberger Berman; New Vernon Investment Management; Nomura Securities International; Northern Re; Oaktree Capital Management; Obra Capital; Ocorian; Oliver Wyman; One William Street Capital Management; Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP); PAMA Holding; Parameter Climate; PartnerRe; Peak Capital; Perren Capital Management; Perry Creek Capital; PGGM; Phoenix Merchant Partners LP; Pier61 Partners; Pillar Capital Mgt, Ltd; PIMCO; Price Forbes Re; Private markets investor; Protecdiv; PSP Investments; Rampart Reinsurance; Raymond James; Rein4ce Ltd; Reinsurance Management Associates, Inc.; RenaissanceRe; Revantage/Blackstone; Richmond Re Consulting Ltd; RMA; Saba Capital Management LP; Safepoint Insurance Company; Schroders Capital; Securis Investment Partners; SEI; Sidley Austin LLP; Simon Fraser; Spinnaker Insurance Company; SS&C Technologies Inc.; Stone Point Capital; Strategic Risk Solutions; Susquehanna Intl Group; Swiss Re Alternative Capital Partners; Tangency Capital; Texas Municipal Retirement System; The Southern Group; The Ukrainian Catholic University Foundation; Tokio Marine Asset Management; Travelers; Troutman Pepper Locke LLP; Twelve Capital; 20Twenty Search; UFG Insurance; University of Pennsylvania Investment Office; Unwind Finance; Utica National Insurance; Vantage Risk; Verisk; Verisk Extreme Event Solutions; VHV Reinsurance; W. R. Berkley; Walkers (Bermuda) Limited; White Mountains Capital, LLC; Wildfire Defense Systems, Inc; Willis Towers Watson; Wilmington Trust; Woodline Partners; Yale Investments Office.

See details of all the speakers, as well as the full agenda including which speakers will participate in each panel, and the timings for the day over on the conference website.

Guarantee your place at the conference by registering now to attend ILS NYC 2025.

Artemis ILS NYC 2025 will be a fantastic opportunity to meet and network with representatives of the majority of ILS market expert organisations, as well as sponsors, cedents, end-investors and service providers, both from across the US market and around the world.

Please register soon to secure your place to join us at the conference.

Expect forward-looking discussions between insurance-linked securities (ILS) industry experts, delivering the quality of content you’ve learned to anticipate from us at Artemis.

As ever with our New York conference, the day ends with a Q&A session featuring our four expert moderators, which is always lively and insightful.

Get your ticket to attend today.

With our events, we try to create the kind of conference that we would want to attend ourselves, mixing great speakers, insightful content, a forward-thinking outlook and quality networking.

Expect a full-day of thoughtful and thought-provoking discussions on the future of the insurance-linked securities (ILS) marketplace while you network with the assembled industry experts and ILS investor community.

We’ve sold out every single one of our conferences and our New York event typically has a waiting list.

For details and to register visit the event website:

For any sponsorship enquiries for this event please email us at [email protected].

Our conference will provide exposure in front of a highly relevant, senior and specialised group of attendees on the day. Plus you’ll benefit from exposure in front of our entire global readership, which averages more than 70,000 individuals every month.

To ensure you are able to attend the day please be sure to book your place soon.

We look forward to seeing you in New York in February 2025!

Watch videos from our Artemis ILS NYC 2024 conference.

For all enquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities for future Artemis events please contact [email protected].

Our conference sponsors for ILS NYC 2025 can be seen below. We thank them all for their valued support:

ILS NYC 2025 sponsors

For all enquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities for future Artemis events please contact [email protected].

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