The Iceman Cometh & Freeze-Up Losses - Have Your Insureds Used Reasonable Care to Maintain Heat? - The Legend of Hanuman

The Iceman Cometh & Freeze-Up Losses — Have Your Insureds Used Reasonable Care to Maintain Heat?

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Three years ago I posted about that winter’s polar vortex and when, in the context of a freeze-up loss, it can be said under New York case law than an insured has used reasonable care to maintain heat.  

We’re experiencing another polar vortex during this winter of 2021-2022, and insurance-claims-thoughts turn once again to when, in the context of a freeze-up loss, it can be said under New York state and federal court case law than an insured has used reasonable care to maintain heat. 

Join Roy A. Mura of Mura Law Group, PLLC on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2022 at 12:00 NOON (ET) for a review of the relevant policy provisions and New York case law on the subject and a discussion of things adjusters should look for in investigating freeze-up losses that occur in vacant or unoccupied structures.

Advance registration is required to attend this FREE Zoom meeting.  To register, click HERE.

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