What Will My Diet Look Like After ESG? - The Legend of Hanuman

What Will My Diet Look Like After ESG?

Commitment to diet and exercise changes is essential to long-term success after any weight loss procedure, including non-surgical, minimally invasive options like endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG).

After an ESG procedure, to give the stomach time to heal, patients will need to slowly re-adjust to a normal diet over the eight weeks post-procedure. From there, a commitment to eating smaller portions and abstaining from alcohol (for at least a year) will help ensure the greatest long-term success. Working with a registered dietitian, every patient will learn the tools and information needed to maintain a healthy diet that will contribute to sustainable weight loss.

One of the great advantages of ESG is that once you’ve made your way through the initial post-ESG diet progression, there are no long-term dietary restrictions – which means no ‘never’ foods. There are no bariatric vitamins to take, and no strict rules on what you can and can’t eat – which means patients can enjoy virtually any food in moderation.

However, following the post-ESG diet carefully is critical to your healing and long-term success. We provide every patient with very detailed instructions for the first eight weeks, and your True You Weight Loss dietitian will help you through every stage of the diet progression and beyond. Here is a very detailed breakdown of dietary guidelines following ESG:

Day 1-2 – Clear Liquids Only

For days 1 and 2 after your procedure, consume clear liquids only. Aim for consuming 64 ounces of sugar-free, clear fluids, including water, protein broths, sugar-free sports drinks, decaffeinated coffee or tea (no milk, cream, or sugar!), herbal tea, and sugar-free popsicles.

It’s critical to remain well-hydrated while recovering from an ESG. As a guideline, make sure to sip 1-2 ounces of liquid every 15 minutes. Be on the lookout for any signs of dehydration, including fatigue, dark-colored urine, dizziness, fainting, lethargy, nausea, and low, dull back pain. If your mouth is dry, this is a sign you need to increase fluid intake. Take a water bottle with you everywhere to make sure you don’t become dehydrated.

Days 3 to 14 – Full Liquid Phase

Starting on day three, you can move to full liquids which include everything from the clear liquid phase, plus protein shakes, vegetable juice, low-fat cream-based soups, low-fat milk or unsweetened milk alternatives, and high-protein bariatric soups. It’s important to get at least 60 to 90 grams of protein each day. You can add protein powder to the liquids in your diet to ensure you’re getting enough, and bone broth is a great option for high protein. Search for brands with more than 20 grams per serving, with less than 10 grams of sugar, 10 grams of fat, and fewer than 250 calories. Isopure, Bariatric Advantage, Premier Protein, Unjury, Muscle Milk, and Nectar are all good options.

Avoid any sugar-sweetened drinks, carbonated beverages, and fruit juices during this phase. It’s important to avoid any caffeinated beverages for at least the first two weeks after your procedure.

Days 15 -21 – Pureed Food Phase

In this stage, you can add pureed foods, ideally those containing a good amount of protein and/or fiber.

Here are some high-protein options:

  • Fish – cooked till soft, then mashed well
  • Ground meat (beef, turkey, or chicken) – cooked and pureed in a food processor
  • Low-fat Greek yogurt
  • Mashed silken tofu
  • Low-fat or fat-free cottage or ricotta cheese
  • Refried beans

Here are other mashed or pureed foods to give you the nutrients you need post-ESG:

  • Applesauce and other fruit purees
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Mashed vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and peas
  • Hummus
  • Mashed avocado
  • Sugar-free pudding

Days 22 through 49 – Soft Foods Phase

In this phase, you can start eating any soft food that’s ‘fork tender’. Always eat your protein first and avoid bread, rice, pasta, and tortillas. Here are some good foods for this stage:

  • Canned tuna or chicken
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat cheese, such as light string cheese or light Babybel
  • Crockpot cooked meats
  • Well-cooked vegetables and beans

Day 50+ – Real Food Phase!

Starting on day 50, you’re ready to transition to a full diet – remembering to stick to healthy habits that will lead to long-term weight loss success. For optimal results, True You Weight Loss recommends patients follow these diet suggestions:

  • Eat protein first
  • Take small bites and chew well
  • Eat small amounts every 3 to 4 hours
  • Eat mindfully
  • Eat to satisfaction, not to fullness
  • Stay hydrated with 64 ounces of fluids
  • Keep a food diary
  • Stay in touch with your True You dietitian

True You Weight Loss will guide you every step of your weight loss journey. We specialize in non-surgical weight loss and are nationally recognized leaders in the advanced techniques used in ESG. Our center is one of the highest-volume endoscopic weight loss centers in the country; we’ve helped patients from more than 45 states and 10 countries.

We’d love to partner with you on a path to better health, improved confidence, and freedom from obesity. Reach out to schedule a consultation today.

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