Trend Traders: Working for India of 2024 - The Legend of Hanuman

Trend Traders: Working for India of 2024

Most Respected Honourable Prime Minister,

Sweeping victory for BJP in 2019 Lok Sabha Elections!! Many many congratulations to all Indians living here and abroad!!

We Indians are congratulating ourselves for our electoral victory in 2019 parliamentary elections. More than BJP, we consider it as our personal victory.  We are overwhelmed with a sense of pure joy and happiness. We have been witness to this historic victory as stake holders. For millions of us, this auspicious day will stay in our memory as a daydream till our last breath. And you are the architect-in-chief for making this dream come true. We are utterly grateful to you for allowing us the pleasure of witnessing this historic day.

I know I will be branded as Modi Bhakt by our left leaning liberal friends and intelligentsia, who are well educated from elite institutions but use their education and intellect to pander to forces inimical to our national interest, culture and pride. As an average Indian I no longer care. On the contrary I will take this epithet of Modi Bhakt as a Badge of Honour, because then I will see myself as an ardent follower of the greatest nationalist, unifier, visionary, nation-builder and statesman of independent India. I know millions of Indians will echo these very sentiments.

However, the purpose of this open letter is not what has been summarized thus far. Intention is to bring to attention major national issues which an average Indian would like you to fast track and bring to fruition in next five years of your tenure as PM. These issues assume more relevance if India has to become a 5-trillion-dollar economy by 2024. These urgent issues are outlined as under:-

Uprooting Terror Infrastructure from South Asia.

We understand that terror is a very profitable industry for many powerful entities like global corporations, business houses and some nations. Terrorist activities are aimed at breaking up a nation and its resolve of maintaining sovereignty. This is multi-trillion dollar business for global corporations, which inter alia includes profiting from nations’ war efforts through Arms’ Sales, nations’ massive reconstruction efforts after devastation from war, and claiming ownership of a weakened nations’ natural resources. Hence we find various entities with seemingly divergent ideologies gang up to work towards the common purpose of terror. Most common example is that of communists (believing in no religion) giving support to Jihadis (extreme religious fundamentalists). Its money that makes the mare go!

In order to become a 5 trillion dollar economy from 2.7 trillion dollar present economy, we will need enormous foreign investment in India. For that we need to quickly dismantle the terror infrastructure and ecosystem in South Asia so that investors feel safe to invest heavily here. The following should be the focal points of  our action:-

  1. Destroy Ecosystem of Mughalistan. Concept of Mughalistan has been formalized by Pakistan through Mughalistan Research Institute in Bangladesh, funded jointly by ISI and DGFI (Director General Forces Intelligence, Bangladesh). Map released show that Pakistan and Bangladesh are planned to be connected through a corridor comprising J&K, Mewat, UP, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam. All Jihadi organisations, including Al Qaeda, LeT, JeM etc have given support for the creation of Mughalistan. If we have to prevent second partition of India, we need to act fast to destroy terror infrastructure in Pakistan and Eastern beach-head in Bangladesh. We need to start cleansing process from West Bengal which is fast becoming  part of the Eastern beach-head. Today this is far bigger danger and challenge than Naxal Movement.
  2. Identify and Neutralize Pak Deep State. Terror activities in South Asia are planned, funded and propagated by Pakistan deep state.We need to identify and target our efforts to decimate this machinery in totality. Global and regional cooperation in this endeavour should also be sought.
  3. Neutralize Naxal Movement. Districts under naxal influence should be freed and brought fully under Indian administrative control. For that the overground naxals who give ideological and administrative support, fund and arm the underground combat naxals have to be rounded up without any compunction. They are the actual perpetrators of terrorism and their extinction will automatically asphyxiate the naxal movement without a bullet being fired.

Fast Track Infrastructure for Full Utilization of Indus water Treaty

In 1960 we had entered into a lopsided Indus Water Treaty which is discriminatory to Indian interests. Be that as it may, now we need to urgently put in place such infrastructure which will help us to fully utilize water resources to the extent provisioned under the said treaty. This should get Top-Priority in infrastructure development to help our farmers in J&K, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi region.

Championing Cause to Free Baluchistan

Active international diplomacy should be undertaken to help Baluch attain independence.. World bodies like UN have to realize that there had been forced occupation of a free country called Baluchistan by Pak Army. Before the partition of Undivided India, Baluchistan was an independent country. That means Baluchistan was not part of Undivided India. After partition of Undivided India, Pakistan came into existence. Then how can Baluchistan be part of Pakistan!! 

Forced occupation of independent Baluchistan by Pak forces has escaped the attention of world opinion, media and regulatory bodies for past 70 years. This needs to be urgently corrected, and it is our moral obligation to bring this issue to international focus with all diplomatic might at our command. 

In this venture we can enlist the support of US and China. US should be happy with a free Baluchistan giving terror free access to Afghanistan. China should be made to realize that their Gwadar Port development will be best served in an independent Baluchistan – free from double crossing, blackmailing and terror tactics of Pakistan.

Internationalize Kashmir Issue 

Kashmir became integral part of India from the moment Instrument of Accession was signed by Maharaja of Kashmir. This irreversible process was followed as Rule of Partition by other princely states who became part of India. We should seek for vacation of our occupied territory with help of UN, if necessary.

Abolish Article 370 and 35A  

Article 370 & 35A is discriminatory to the population of J&K. They have right to equal opportunity as rest of India. It is dishonesty to say that J&K is an integral part of India if we are unable to provide full benefits of growing India to Kashmiris due to restrictions imposed by these dubious Articles.

Removal of Illegal Immigrants from India

Illegal immigrants pose both internal and external security threat. This is a non debatable point. If that is the case then we must address this important issue with all seriousness and sincerity so as to make India a safer place to live and do business. International community, especially US, would also support us in removing illegal immigrants from our soil. In any case, whatever is illegal cannot be tolerated at state level dispensation. That would tantamount to making mockery of  Law of the Land.

Proactive Steps to Make India a Manufacturing Hub

US-China trade war has thrown up a favourable situation for India to position itself as a prospective Manufacturing Hub in this region. 40 US companies have already exhibited their willingness to relocate to India. Sincere efforts should be made to attract more of these US companies to India by rolling out the proverbial red carpet. This will help generate employment and promote exports, thereby greatly boosting the economy

Debar Communists from Electoral Process

Communists believe that “Political power grows from the barrel of a Gun” Political parties which believe in this philosophy of terror should not be constitutionally allowed space in a democratic electoral process. In a democracy, accommodating divergent ideologies does not mean that an ideology which abhors democracy should also be allowed to participate in electoral process. It is akin to giving political space to sworn naxals and jihadis.

When we allow communists to take part in electoral process, we are basically allowing them opportunity to seize power democratically in some weak moment of our nation in future. Once in power, will the communists allow democratic institutions to function or turn the country into a communist regime? Aren’t we being selfish when we are leaving scope for our future generations to be doomed to live under a communist regime after having ourselves enjoyed all the fruits of democracy?

This issue begs a national debate. Debarring communists does not mean excluding socialist ideology, which is perfectly compatible in a democratic country. If a communist party believes in democracy then why would it call itself communist? And if its stated ideology is communism then why is it taking part in a democratic process? Answer is simple –  to usurp power and turn this land into a communist country. Very frightening thought!

Anti Conversion Act

Mass religious conversions are an internal and external threat to our nation. These conversions have the power of causing internal strife in our society and can also be the cause for demand of secession from India. Hence it is of utmost importance that we pass an Anti Conversion Bill in Parliament at the earliest. Those opposing this Bill may contend that this Bill is not necessary as no mass conversion takes place in India. If  that is the case then they shouldn’t be worried because the law will never be invoked. It will only act as a precautionary measure.

Correcting our Historical and Cultural Heritage

Strength of a nation lies in its cultural and historical pride. But if these facts are distorted by occupation forces over centuries, then that nation forever remains a weak and slavish nation. Our nation has been through this very situation and has not been unshackled so far. We need to employ the best experts to correct this anomaly without any guilt and shame.

Conclusion. I may have been inaccurate and off the mark in elucidating some points. However those points may be ignored and work in remaining points may please be undertaken with full gusto. If all points mentioned herein are of no consequence, I may please be excused for being naive.

Sincerely Yours,

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