The Secret Sauce to Health Goals: Setting Your Baseline for Success - The Legend of Hanuman

The Secret Sauce to Health Goals: Setting Your Baseline for Success

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Life’s chaos got you down? Motivation gone MIA? Your health goals suddenly feeling more like far-off fantasies? Let me let you in on a little secret: success isn’t about setting bigger, scarier goals. It’s about starting small—really small.

Enter the Baseline Goal—your new best friend.

It might not sound like the headliner of a motivational TED Talk, but trust me, if sticking to a plan has ever felt like wrestling an octopus, this strategy is about to change the game.

Table of Contents

The “Floor-and-Ceiling” Strategy

Here’s the deal: Instead of treating your health goals like an all-or-nothing sprint, think of them as a flexible range—an adaptable system for your wildly unpredictable life.

Step 1: Find Your Floor
Ask yourself:

  • What can I manage on my worst day?
  • When everything falls apart—zero energy, max stress—what’s the tiniest, most manageable step I can still take?

Think micro. We’re talking five minutes of walking, adding spinach to your sandwich, or even three deep breaths before diving into your inbox. Whatever it is, make it so ridiculously easy that it feels impossible to fail.

Step 2: Dream Your Ceiling
Now flip it:

  • What could I achieve on my absolute best day?
  • When I’m bursting with energy, motivation, and have zero interruptions, what does “crushing it” look like?

Maybe it’s a full-on gym session, meal prepping like a boss, or a long meditation session that would make a monk jealous. That’s your ceiling.

Together, your floor and ceiling form your health goal spectrum.

It’s a Dial, Not a Switch

Here’s a mind-blowing idea: health isn’t an on/off switch. It’s a dial.

When life’s a cakewalk, crank that dial up—go full throttle on your wellness game. But when life’s serving lemons (and no time to make lemonade), don’t switch off entirely. Just turn the dial down a notch.

  • No time for a full workout? Stretch for five minutes.
  • Meal prep not happening? Grab a banana on the go.

The magic? It all counts. Even the smallest actions keep the momentum alive.

Why “Bare Minimum” is Still a Win

Let’s settle this once and for all: Doing the bare minimum is not a failure. It’s a freaking triumph in the middle of life’s beautiful chaos.

You’re proving to yourself that progress doesn’t require perfection. Every small step forward keeps you moving—whether it’s five minutes on the treadmill or training for a marathon.

Your Turn: Define Your Range

What’s your floor? What’s your ceiling? Think of them as your personal success spectrum.

Because at the end of the day, success isn’t about doing it all. It’s about doing something. Let’s embrace the power of progress over perfection—and let’s do it together.

Ready to crush it, one tiny step at a time? Let’s go!

💙 Robyn

Interested in a one-on-one health coaching relationship with me? It would be an honor to work with you if and when the time feels right.

To learn more about Personal Health Coaching click HERE. 

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