Sleep Rituals and Insomnia – Caroline Rainsford - The Legend of Hanuman

Sleep Rituals and Insomnia – Caroline Rainsford

Our bodies follow a natural circadian rhythm where there is an optimal time for resting,sleeping etc.Sleep Rituals before going to bed help our minds and bodies to unwind and get into relaxation mode.If you have problems with insomnia,you may wish to consider a change to your sleep routine.One change I had to make was ban the phone from the room where I sleep,I could be on social media long after bed time! What Sleep Rituals work best?Apart from going off the phone,you need to choose a routine which works best for you in the hour before bedtime.Some ideas include reading,taking a bath,listening to music,meditation or a foot spa.Overstimulating the mind and body with video games,phone screens or vigorous exercise in the hour before bedtime will not help unwind. You need to choose a bedtime that works best for your lifestyle.There is some wisdom in the old saying”early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise”.I find I work better early in the morning.If you find it too noisy to sleep,you could investigate a white noise machine or some relaxing music.Caffeine can make you restless, likewise acid reflux and trips to the bathroom after late eating and drinking will be disruptive to a good night’s sleep.Sacrificing our sleep by not having good Sleep Rituals will make us fatigued and unproductive.We owe it to our Wellness and Health to have some good Sleep Rituals!

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