Is the market out of the woods? If so, what can we expect? - The Legend of Hanuman

Is the market out of the woods? If so, what can we expect?

Is the market out of the woods? If so, what can we expect?

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Nope…the stock markets are still not out of the woods…the main reasons for this are…

1 country wide lockdown is still prevailing.

2 Although government has provided some relief to particular sectors like information technology and such related work… to start functioning..but still majority of economic sectors are not functional.

3 Specific sectors like tourism and hospitality have been totally destroyed due to this lockdown caused by Covid-19..and there is very less chances of their speedy recovery.

4 Although banking sector is functional.. but NBFC sector is still not functional..which is hurting this sector very badly.

5 As majority of non essential commodities production is halted …like footwear, clothing etc it also will have a negative impact on such sectors..

6 Along with all this this lockdown has also caused a great hit to the MSME sector which is also the biggest employment provider in the country and hence rate of employment will also so negative trends..

So from above we can see that indian economy as well as stock markets are still not out of the woods …our Government and RBI are trying really hard to give good stimulus to the economy and if things went up to the plan..then definitely very soon stock markets will be out of the woods..

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