Increase Daily Glimmers – retirementtransition - The Legend of Hanuman

Increase Daily Glimmers – retirementtransition

I’ve had a number of challenging days lately and needed to relook at how to the pull myself out of a downward spiral.  To stop the negativity when something is still small, before it spins into a full-blown, Very-Bad-Day.

I recognize that our nervous systems are wired to pay more attention to negative events than positive events. Why? Because negative events are threats, and our nervous system’s main function is to keep us safe and alive. Unfortunately, right now, there are many negative events happening in my life. There is anxiety from the reliving aspects of our life-quake trauma (second guessing decisions still!) and the frustrating slowness of our physical home recovery. Then there is the destruction of the world around me – from natural disasters (beyond ours) to politicians destroying our country to horrible tragedies. My system is primed to spin into that negative spiral every single day!

And yet, every day there are small experiences called glimmers, small moments of regulation that give feelings of well-being. I need to be identifying and creating more of these moments! 

I recently reviewed my Jolts of Joy list to see about adding into my calendar more daily glimmers. Some things I am planning to do: Get Sirius radio again. Stop FB scrolling. Sit in a peaceful space in silence a few times a week and anchor myself in my senses – be in the moment for sights, sounds, smells. I want to get back into reading uplifting books. Now that weather is getting better again, I hope to eat dinner outside more often – I need to plan those because that means good conversation, too.

I can also be better at acknowledging that I’m having a glimmer. Feel the sensations in my body. Thank the universe for this experience. I can also take the pause – Inhale patience, exhale irritability – when those moments of negativity strike.

This week’s glimmers included a wonderful visit with friends which included birdwatching (one picture in header!), time just floating in their pool (so relaxing), and spontaneous jamming with a rock and roll band (my first time playing the tambourine). I also went to an amazing performance at a theater I’ve been wanting to visit and enjoyed a lively discussion at one of my book clubs.  These glimmers all helped keep the frustration of no movement forward on the house recovery from spiraling.

And so I continue the journey and try to prevent the negative spirals, one day at a time.

What’s a favorite glimmer for you?

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