How to write the perfect networking email subject line — - The Legend of Hanuman

How to write the perfect networking email subject line —

This article will guide you through effective networking practices and share tips on turning a subject line into an attention-grabbing element. You will find standard and unconventional approaches to writing networking lines and get 20 inspiring email design examples.

Handwritten letters and business cards to find like-minded individuals sound almost unrealistic. As networking evolved, so did people’s expectations, shifting to emails and digital business cards. 

However, spiked interest in networking has its downsides — high competition and less time to grab the recipient’s attention. How do you master the art of value in concise subject lines and reach networking email success? Today’s the day we find out.

Table of Contents

What is a networking email?

A networking email is a message you send to people to establish meaningful connections and explore collaboration opportunities. 

Whether you would like to connect with fellow alumni or a complete stranger, networking is a chance to build professional relationships or exchange ideas, and it starts with a compelling subject line. 

How a networking email subject line changes a game

Do your networking emails fail to get opened? An underperforming subject can be the reason. 

A subject line sets a tone for all future communications and wins the reader’s attention. However, irrelevant, non-impactful, and aggressive lines often push people away and negatively affect the results of the email campaign. So, what are the key elements that make a great subject line?

Key elements of networking email subject lines

A catchy phrase can interest people but not connect them with the sender. That’s why effective subject lines revolve around value, personalization, and relevance. Let’s have a look at the supporting components in detail:

  • genuine personalization: Personalized subject lines sell emails and show you’ve done your homework. Furthermore, according to 89% of companies’ leaders, personalization impacts business growth on a larger scale. A few subject line variables could expand networking opportunities and attract more interest;

    A personalized networking email subject line

  • specific intent: Do your email recipients know you? If the answer is negative, consider specifying your intent to increase the chances of a quick response. Whether it is a follow-up after a networking event or a recommendation from a mutual connection, add a few details on the purpose;

    A networking email subject line with clear intent

  • preciseness over length: Concise subject lines outmatch lengthy ones, so if you can cut word length short without sacrificing value, do it. According to Twilio, the most popular email subject lines include up to 6 words, but the best results come from those with only 2-4 words;

    A precise networking email subject line

  • curiosity element: Nobody loves spoilers. Instead of revealing all the cards, leave out a piece of information in the email subject line to keep the intrigue up and encourage openings;

    A networking email subject line with an element of intrigue

  • relevance: A good subject line balances intrigue and relevance. To establish new connections, reference a mutual interest, blog post, or industry trend. Avoid sending the same subject line to all contacts. Why? A business owner will unlikely find relevance in the line for a marketing specialist; 

    A relevant networking email subject line

  • brand tone of voice: Don’t let all the time spent building a professional or company’s image go to waste. A networking email subject line should match your brand identity. Whether it is a friendly or formal communication tone, a subject line mirrors the chosen style.

    A networking email subject line featuring an informal writing style

These principles shape effective yet simple subject lines and work best for those who prefer a standard approach. For those eager for more, the next section could be inspiring. Hold up while we dive into unconventional approaches!

How Stripo can help

Stripo AI subject line generator is a source of ideas, so you never run out of yours. However, besides creating subject line options, it can strengthen and adjust the chosen variants. Let’s see how you can perfect the line that caught your eye:

  1. Open Stripo AI subject line generator.
  2. Enter the prompt to generate networking subject lines.
  3. Hover over the best option to see settings.
  4. Click the “Improve” button.

    An option to improve the generated networking subject line

  5. Select the needed adjustments: tone of voice or rewriting variants.

    Adjustment options for subject line improvements in the Stripo AI generator

  6. Done. Stripo AI subject line generator will do the rest based on your choice.

Any subject line that feels like a match could be adjusted to perfection in a few clicks. In this way, you may experiment with the length, word choice, or tone in the same subject line.

Unconventional approaches to subject lines

How about we spice up networking email subject lines? Sometimes, the boldest ideas turn out best, so I suggest that we review three unconventional approaches to networking.

One- or two-word subject lines

Did you know that Obama’s most opened email had a single “Hey” in the subject line? Fewer words don’t mean less value. The effect is often quite the opposite: intrigued by the message content, email recipients might be more curious about seeing what the message is about.

Here are a few simple ideas for the shortest networking subject lines:

  • “Guess what?”
  • “Surprising collab.”
  • “Let’s connect.”
  • “Common ideas?”

These options either create intrigue to encourage email opening or mention intent right on the spot. Either approach could be an unusual way to get the recipient’s attention.

The reverse ask method

The constant flow of requests can be tiring, so how about we turn the tables and offer our help in email subject lines? This shows you as the helper rather than a benefactor and can get contacts genuinely interested. 

So, what are the actual subject line examples with the reverse ask method?

  • “Saw this [recent article or post] and thought of you!”
  • “Would this [tool or feature name] be useful for you?”
  • “Need a hand with lead generation? I’d love to help.”

These email subject lines make networking attempts about the recipient and their benefits more appealing. Scrolling past a message offering value or help is less likely to happen, so you are in the winning position.

The unfinished thought method

A networking email subject line spiced with curiosity compels the recipient to open the message to get the full picture. How can you resist completing the unfinished thought? Right, you don’t. 

The key is to ensure that an email matches the promise in the subject line. Besides, avoid removing too much information, which may be perceived as vague. Let’s review the examples that feature this method:

  • “This may change the way you think…”
  • “Something came up about [industry hot topic].”
  • “One thing you’ll love…”

20 best networking subject line examples

How do you use networking power to your benefit? Effective subject lines are the answer. With all these tips in mind, I suggest that we review inspiring subject line examples to inspire you to network.

Introductory email subject lines

A catchy introductory email is a shortcut to networking success. Personalized subject lines strengthen your chances of engaging the audience. Here are the top 10 networking subject lines that can introduce you and make an impression.

  • “Quick intro from a like-minded [job title].”
  • “We crossed paths at [event name]. Let’s connect!”
  • “Would love to exchange ideas on [common ground].”
  • “Hoping to connect with top minds in [industry].”
  • “Big fan of your [recently published material]. Let’s talk.”
  • “Coffee, connections & ideas exchange?”
  • “You’ll love this (I think!).”
  • “Random but relevant. Can we talk?”
  • “Your work on [project] caught my eye. Let’s connect?”
  • “Exploring collaboration in [industry]. Open to chat?”

Reconnecting email subject lines

Have you ever lost contact with a valued professional? Yes, it feels unfortunate. However, this does not have to end your business relationship. 

Let’s review networking subject line examples that may remind them of a common interest or hint at future possibilities.

  • “I owe you an update (and a coffee!).”
  • “You crossed my mind today. Let’s reconnect.”
  • “A little overdue, but worth it.”
  • “Thinking back to our discussion on [specific topic]. Let’s chat.”
  • “Your name came up in a conversation. Let’s catch up.”
  • “We last spoke at [event name]. Let’s reconnect!”
  • “Still working on [shared project]? I have insights.”
  • “Can’t forget your speech at [event name]. Ideas exchange?”
  •  “We were onto something. Let’s continue.”
  • “You’ll want to read this one…”

Wrapping up

A networking email is only as influential as its subject line. Whether you’d like to make a lasting impression or lay the foundation for future collaborations, an email subject can deliver. The key to success? Personalized, catchy, and precise lines that focus on the recipient and can put your message in the spotlight.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article and found networking subject line examples inspiring. Good luck growing your brand!

Turn networking into the growth driver with Stripo

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I am a passionate blogger with extensive experience in web design. As a seasoned YouTube SEO expert, I have helped numerous creators optimize their content for maximum visibility.

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