How to Invest and Make Money Daily + Fast (21 Legit Ways in 2025) - The Legend of Hanuman

How to Invest and Make Money Daily + Fast (21 Legit Ways in 2025)

When it comes to the world of investing, you’re probably looking to make money quickly or save for your future. Sometimes within the same day.

While it can be difficult to find these investments, there are some other options if you want to make money daily.

Whenever investing your money, it’s important to consider the risks involved, especially for some of the more speculative investing strategies. You’ll also want to consider the length of your investments. It’s much more likely that you’ll make money by holding your investments for longer than one day.

In this post, I’ll explore exactly how to invest and make money daily, some of the top compound interest investments, investments to make money fast, and much more. Let’s get started!

Best Ways to Invest and Make Money Daily in 2023

Let’s start by defining what it means to make money every day. To me, this means your investments will either increase in value or provide you with a cash return. But for you, it might mean something slightly different.

Below are some of the best ways to generate daily returns from your investments. There’s sure to be an investment for everyone whether you’re investing $150k or investing $300k.

1. Invest and and Make Money Daily with Arrived

Arrived Homes InvestingArrived Homes Investing

If you’re looking to invest and earn money daily, Arrived lets you do just that – through real estate. While your returns are paid out quarterly, you’ll earn money every day that you keep money invested in the platform.

Arrived allows you to fund rental properties that are rented out to tenants across the country with as little as $100.

The returns will vary from property to property, so if you want to optimize your portfolio you can invest in multiple properties in different areas. That said, you’ll generally see returns of around 8% to 10%, but some properties have produced returns greater than 100%!

In my opinion, this is one of the top ways you can invest and make money daily.


  • Minimal 1% management fee
  • Some offerings are funded quickly

2. Invest in ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Index Funds

The stock market can be a great way turn your money into more money and generate passive income.

Index funds, or a fund that is meant to follow a broad market like that S&P 500 or Dow Jones Industrial Average, can be a great option to easily invest and keep your portfolio diversified. While your daily returns might not be very large, they will add up over time helping you to make money daily.

How much can you make investing in ETFs, mutual funds, or index funds?

Historically, it’s typical to receive a ~7% return annually on your investment for a well-diversified portfolio. The stock market can be extremely volatile, so you’ll want to ensure you can handle the ups and downs that come along. By holding your investments for longer than 1 year, you’ll have a large chance of accruing positive returns on your money while simultaneously lowering your tax bill if you plan on selling your investments.

Check out the chart below showing the returns of a popular index fund, VOO. You’ll notice some years have returns greater than 30% while others have seen negative returns. This is why it’s important to invest for the long term and avoid trying to time the market.

S&P 500 VOO PerformanceS&P 500 VOO Performance

So what are the differences between the three options?

The main difference between index funds and ETFs are the time in which you can purchase them.

Index funds are always purchased at market close, where ETFs can be purchased live throughout the day. Index funds and ETFs are passively managed and they feature extremely low fees, making them a great way to invest and make money daily.

A mutual fund is different than both ETFs and index funds in that they tend to be more actively managed and have higher fees. Sometimes you can find mutual funds that perform slightly better than an index fund or ETF but in most cases, this is offset by the higher fees.

If you want to invest in the stock market and grow your money, I always recommend Acorns. Here’s why:

  • Low initial minimum investment of just $5 – making it a perfect option for beginners 
  • Get $20 free to invest – who wouldn’t want free cash to invest?
  • Fractional shares – don’t have a fortune to invest? You can still purchase portions of a stock to fit your investments.
  • Easily invest with automated tools to reach your goals.

Investing in the stock market is a great asset to buy to make money daily. Create your Acorns account below to claim your free $20 investment!

3. Consider Investing in Cryptocurrency to Make Money

Invest in Crypto with BinanceInvest in Crypto with Binance

Warning: Trading cryptocurrency can be extremely speculative and is by no means guaranteed to make you money.

With that said, cryptocurrency has gained popularity over recent years and its value has increased significantly. Some cryptocurrency owners have made tens of millions of dollars investing in cryptocurrency over the years.

It is common for the value of cryptocurrencies to swing massively from day to day, giving you the chance to profit on uncertainty. You should expect swings of anywhere from 2-10% daily for your portfolio.

What cryptocurrencies should you invest in?

When it comes to crypto, there are a few main contenders and then all of the others.

The most popular, Bitcoin, is perhaps the best option for new investors because of its rapid adoption. Two other cryptocurrencies to consider are BitcoinCash and Ethereum. BitcoinCash was built on the same framework as Bitcoin although slightly “better” in the fact that transactions are confirmed much faster and the cost of transactions are much less than Bitcoin.

Wondering how to invest in crypto?

Just as investing in the stock market will require you to open a brokerage account, purchasing cryptocurrency will require you to do something similar. The easiest and most simple way to get started is by purchasing through an exchange like Binance.

You’ll need to provide some personal information to have your account verified before making your purchase. Once verified, you can buy and sell a wide assortment of coins.

4. Invest in Real Estate Debts

Groundfloor Real Estate Investing

There are many different ways you can invest in real estate to build wealth, but one of the most overlooked methods is investing in short term real estate debts.

Here’s how it works.

Whenever an investor needs money to complete a project, they might utilize a short term loan.

For example, if the investor wants to install a new countertop that costs $10,000 to finish a house flip, they might look to source that money from someone else.

This is where a platform like Groundfloor comes in.

Groundfloor allows investors to “loan” money for short term real estate projects that typically last for less than 6 months.

The returns are solid, averaging around 10% annually and this can be an excellent option to diversify your investments.

5. Invest in Crowdfunded Real Estate to Invest and Make Money Daily

Investing in real estate can be an excellent way to grow your wealth. But there’s one problem. Many new investors aren’t sure where to get started. It can be overwhelming to purchase a rental property and try to manage it yourself.

That’s why I recommend LEX Markets. With this real estate investing platform you can easily start investing in a variety of offerings stress-free with as little as $250.

The way it works is by pooling money together from a large number of investors so the entire fund can purchase a large real estate asset that you wouldn’t normally have access to.

LEX Markets has a proven track record of delivering results with an average return greater than 9% annually. 

Between apartment buildings and other commercial real estate offerings, LEX Markets is a tremendous way to invest and make money. 

As a bonus, new investors can claim up to $500 in free money after making your first deposit. Register below to get started!

6. Make Money Daily from Rental Properties

Rental Property Side HustleRental Property Side Hustle

If you want to earn passive income, there’s no better way than an investment property.

While you won’t technically see money in your bank account daily via this investing strategy – you will receive rental income each month from your tenants.

But that’s not the only way you’ll make money from your property.

Because real estate typically increase in value over time, you can also make money daily through appreciation.

Finally, over time, as your property become more and more valuable, you can charge even more money for rent so you can cash flow even more. 

Rental properties are excellent investments, but they can require a lot of work to manage and maintain. If you don’t want to deal with the hassle, I recommend using a real estate crowdfunding platform like LEX Markets. 

However, if you don’t mind the additional work, you can often receive a greater return by owning a rental property yourself. 

7. Use Real Estate Investment Trusts to Make Money Daily

If you want to invest and get daily returns, investing in a REIT can be an excellent choice. You can think of a REIT as a type of investment that is treated very similar to a mutual fund.

With this investment option, a company will purchase and manage real estate properties to grow your money and provide daily returns. 

You can easily buy and sell the investment on the stock exchange just like with other stock market investments. 

You can use an app like Acorns to easily invest in REITs with as little as $10.

Not sure which REITs to invest in?

Here are some of the best REITs to generate daily returns. 

Ready to invest in a REIT or another stock market investment? Don’t forget to claim your FREE $10 with Acorns here!

8. Dividend Investing

While this method could be combined into the previous section, I believe it needs its own.

Dividend investing involves purchasing dividend-paying stocks and reinvesting your income to purchase more shares. This method allows your money to grow exponentially without any work required.

There are many stocks that pay dividends, so you’ll want to do some research to find a company that has consistently paid a dividend and has a bright future.

Dividend stocks tend to be more mature and in lower stages of growth.

Looking for a fun way to invest? Acorns allows you to invest without the headache of other apps. Sign up for your free account here and get $10 free to invest!

It’s common that dividend-paying stocks will pay out their profits to investors once per quarter. However, this is not always true. There are some dividend stocks that pay monthly dividends which can give your daily returns a boost. This can increase the rate your money will grow and is an awesome investment strategy.

Not sure which dividend stocks to invest in? Check out the video below for some help!

9. Invest in Growth Stocks

Growth stocks are individual stocks that are, as the name suggests, in the growth stage of their business cycle.

This means that they are growing fast and can see tremendous increases in value in a short amount of time.

Some examples of sectors and industries that feature many growth stocks include tech like edge computing stocks, alternative energy like geothermal stocks, and even some retailers.

So, what does this mean as an investor?

Whereas many businesses will pay dividends, growth stocks choose to invest their profits back into the business to grow it even further.

Ready to invest in growth stocks but aren’t sure where to start? Check out The Motley Fool Rule Breakers! The Motley Fool’s expert team of analysts provides you with numerous stock recommendations that could be poised for growth.

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Stock PicksMotley Fool Rule Breakers Stock Picks

With this service, you’ll receive the following:

  1. A listing of Starter Stocks to begin your Rule Breakers journey with their “essential Rule Breakers”
  2. 5 “Best Buys Now” opportunities each month
  3. Several new stock picks each month

Check out their returns vs the S&P 500 below!

Motley Fool Rule Breakers ReturnsMotley Fool Rule Breakers Returns

It’s hard to argue against those results! If you’re ready to get started, sign up below!

Get Started!

10. Make Money Daily with a High Yield Savings Account

In the past few years, high yield savings accounts have become mainstream as people look to grow their money faster than traditional savings accounts. These accounts are commonly online but pay as much as 25 times a traditional savings account.

While the interest rates are still somewhat low, they are also extremely safe investments for your money. You can find accounts that compound monthly or even daily to maximize your returns.

My favorite high interest savings account is by CIT Bank. Interest rates are as much as 10 times the national average with CIT Bank. Open your free account below to get started!

Create My Account!

The one downside of CIT Bank is that it doesn’t pay interest daily, but rather monthly. 

If you want to earn interest daily, you can use a platform like Tellus.

11. Invest in Peer to Peer Lending for a Daily Profit

Peer to peer lending is an easy way for individuals to lend money to others for an agreed-upon amount of interest and maturity date. The length of the loan can be just about any amount and sometimes as little as one day. While your returns might be minimal, it’s a great way to make money passively.

One of the benefits of peer to peer lending is the ability to choose your risk level. If you have a low risk tolerance, you can loan to borrowers with strong credit. However, if you want to make more money, you can choose to loan to borrowers with lower credit. It’s up to you!

There are many different peer to peer lending options available. Some of the most popular are listed below:

  • LendingClub
  • Prosper
  • Upstart
  • Peerform

12. Invest in a Side Hustle, Business, or Brand

You might not think of starting a side hustle as an investment, but they certainly can be. There are literally hundreds of side hustles that you can make money daily with, making it a perfect investment for your goals.

Not sure where to get started? Give some of these side hustles a try:

Starting a business or side hustle can help you make money within the day, some of which may not require your time at all. For example, if your side hustle is blogging, you can easily profit every day from affiliate marketing and display advertising. Whenever someone clicks on your ad or purchases through your links, you’ll receive a small commission.

Another great investment opportunity would be growing a brand online and promoting affiliate links to make money.

13. Invest and Make Money Daily with a Money Market Account

Similar to a high yield savings account, a money market account can be an excellent way to make money daily from your investment.

A money market account allows you to invest with relatively low risk but the returns can be subpar. These account typically pay less than 3% interest on your money. 

The main difference between a money market account and a high yield savings account or CD is that you are typically able to write checks from your account. It is extremely simple to open an account and get started making money daily.

14. Invest in Bonds

Bonds are traditional investments with a fixed interest rate and maturity date. There are several types of bonds including:

  • Savings Bonds
  • Treasury Bonds
  • Corporate Bonds
  • Government Bonds

Bonds can be a great method to invest and make money daily although the returns can be minimal. If you choose to invest in bonds, you can sleep at night knowing your money is in a safe place making it a great way to invest.

15. Invest in Farmland

Did you know you can invest in farmland?

That’s right!

By using a platform like AcreTrader, you can invest in farmland across the country.

The minimum investment is larger than many other asset classes, and you’ll need to be an accredited investor to get started, but if you’re looking for a tangible investment to diversify your portfolio – farmland might be worth analyzing. 

16. Invest in Retirement Accounts

Retirement accounts can be a tremendous way to invest and make money daily for a few reasons.

First, there are many tax advantages that come with these accounts. This can help you keep more of your money, which you can then reinvest to take advantage of compounding interest.

Second, some retirement plans will offer a match on your contributions. This is essentially free money that you can use to grow your portfolio even faster.

Lastly, retirement accounts offer a great deal of flexibility in how you can invest your money. You can choose from a wide variety of investment options, including stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, and more.

If you’re looking to save for the future, retirement accounts like an IRA or 401k are great assets to have in your investment portfolio.


It’s important to note that you may face taxes and penalties if you withdraw money from your retirement accounts before the age of 65. Be sure to consider this before investing.

17. Invest in Wine

While this investment doesn’t necessarily give you daily returns, your investment will grow over time and offer great returns.

Why should you invest in wine?

  • Offers great downside protection with low volatility
  • Limited supply
  • Not correlated with other investments

If you’re looking to invest in wine, using a platform like Vint is a great option. They have over $1.25 million in assets under management and it’s completely free to get started. You can start investing in wine with Vint for as little as $50. Create your account below!

18. Day Trade Stocks

Similar to investing in cryptocurrency, day trading should be carefully analyzed before deciding whether it’s right for you. Even the most seasoned day traders find it extremely difficult to make money trading stocks throughout the day, so you’ll want to ensure you have the funds to become a day trader.

Whenever opening a brokerage account, you’ll also need to mark your account as a day trading account to meet federal regulations. These accounts will require you to keep a certain amount of cash in the account.

There are multiple strategies when it comes to day trading. Some investors will choose to invest in futures contracts which allows you to “bet” the price of a holding at a future date.

Claim Your $10 Free Investment

Related: How to Make a Living Trading Stocks

19. Utilize Micro Investing Apps to Make a Daily Profit

Looking for an easy way to invest money automatically?

Luckily there are several apps available that will automatically round-up change for every dollar spent using a credit or debit card and invest that money for you.

While it may seem trivial, the amount you can save and invest can add up significantly over the course of the year. The money that is saved and invested is typically allocated to different index funds and stocks that provide a safe investment for your money.

Some of my favorite micro-investing apps include:

20. Invest in a Certificate of Deposit (CD)

CD’s can be a safe way to grow your money without having much worry about losing your investment.

While the returns can be minimal when compared to other investments, they are a great worry-free method of investing. Similar to bonds, CDs have a maturity date in which your money can be withdrawn penalty-free. If you choose to withdraw money before the maturity date, there might be a penalty assessed. You can often find CDs with maturity dates from 5 months to over 3 years.

Invest $10 and Earn Daily

If you have $10 to invest and want to earn daily, there are a few options to consider.

First, I recommend registering for Acorns to invest $10 in the stock market and earn daily. Why? Because you’ll automatically claim $20 completely free meaning you will double your money instantly.

Next, you can invest in cryptocurrency if you’re willing to take on some risk with your investments with a platform like Binance. It’s free to join and easy to get started investing in all of the top cryptocurrencies.

Online Investment Platforms That Pay Daily

If you’re looking for online investment platforms that pay daily, I recommend some of the following platforms:

  • Acorns – invest in the stock market and get $10 free
  • CIT Bank – a high yield savings account that pays compound interest
  • Mainvest – a small business investing platform that gives you $10 free 

It’s important to understand that these online investment platforms might not give you money daily, but are more likely to increase in value every day – which is very similar.

How to Invest Money to Make Money Fast

Okay so maybe you don’t need the money today, but you still want to make money fast. Give some of these investments a try if you want to invest and make money fast. But you’ll need to be careful. Whenever attempting to make money fast from investing, you’ll face increased levels of risk, making it easier to lose money from stocks as well.

Real Estate Investments

While it’s possible to make money quickly in real estate, this will require large sums of cash. There are several investment options to consider:

  • Purchasing a rental property
  • Purchasing a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust)
  • Renting out part of your home

Some forms of real estate are not as liquid as other investments, so you’ll want to consider when you’ll need the money before investing. 

Real estate is one of the best tangible investments you can own to make passive income each month.

If you’re looking to get started with real estate investments easily, consider trying PeerStreet or Fundrise or you can check out these real estate investing apps.

PeerStreet allows you to invest in real estate completely hands off. Invest your money and they’ll do the rest. You can register for a PeerStreet account here.

Fundrise is a great option for investors looking to make more money with a real estate investment. The minimum investment is low making it one of my favorite ways to invest and make money for both beginners and experienced investors. 

Starting a Business

One of the fastest ways to make money is by investing in or starting a business. However, this also means that it is the riskiest investment. For that reason, it’s wise to only invest a portion of your portfolio into these risky assets.

Starting a business that you are both passionate about and has a proven business model is a safe way to increase your likelihood of success as an entrepreneur.

One of my favorite types of businesses to start is an online business like a blog or website. 

An online business is a great way to earn money passively and make money every day. 

For example, my personal finance blog generates money daily that allows me to to utilize other investment options with the additional income. 

If you’re debating starting a business, you’ll want to craft a plan and strategy to ensure that it launches and grows. 

The amount of money you can make with a business can be quite extraordinary. Some businesses make a lot of money and allow the owner to quit their full time job from the proceeds. 

If you’re looking for investments with daily returns, owning a business can be one of the best ways to invest and grow your money. 

Purchase an Existing Business

If you’re looking to invest and make money fast, purchasing an existing business can be a great way to do so. When purchasing any business, you’ll need to do your due diligence before signing any contract to ensure the company is operating as expected. 

The downside of purchasing an existing business is that you’ll pay a premium if the company is already earning consistent money. 

For example, many websites and online businesses sell for 30 time their monthly revenue. So if you plan on purchasing a business that currently makes $1,000 per month, you can expect to pay around $30,000. 

For most people, you should aim to purchase a business in an industry that you have previous knowledge in. This will better your chances of being capable of growing the business and help it become a more profitable business. 

Invest in Yourself

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

Investing in yourself can be one of the most effective ways to grow your income in a hurry. If you’re looking to invest and make money fast, learning a new skill or expanding your knowledge base can be one of the best methods available. There are many different ways to invest in yourself including learning a new skill, becoming more productive, or networking with colleagues. 

For example, if you can learn how to build small websites for local businesses, you can be capable of making a few extra thousand dollars per month. By networking with colleagues, you might be capable of landing a position at your dream job or getting promoted to a new position with a higher salary.

Invest in a 401(k)

If you’re looking to make money fast investing, funding an employee matched 401(k) can be an excellent choice. While this money cannot be touched until you reach the age of 55, it can be a great and safe method of growing your money.

Some companies might offer a 100% match on any money you contribute to the plan. This is a fast way to double your investment. Other companies might offer a 50% match on your contributions, which is still a great investment. Best of all, the money you contribute is invested with pre tax income in addition to growing tax free. 

Invest in an IRA

Similar to a 401(k), an IRA allows you to invest in the stock market with tax advantages. 

The interest rates on some index funds and other investment opportunities can be somewhat low in the short term – but they key is giving them time to grow. 

As your money sits, it will begin to grow exponentially. When compared to a savings account or other ways to invest, utilizing an IRA makes sense. 

Money you invest via an IRA will grow tax free. You’ll want to consider the contribution limits for an IRA that you can find here.

How to Invest in Stock Market.jpg

How Much Money Can You Make Investing in Stocks?

Some of the richest people in the world have made tremendous amounts of money by investing in the stock market. Your earnings potential is inherently unlimited, making it a no brainer for those looking to grow their money. Warren Buffet, George Soros, and Carl Icahn have all made millions investing in stocks.

Let’s take a look at how much money you can make if you invest your money in stocks. Let’s start by investing $10,000 into the market and never investing another penny. We’ll assume a market average of 7% annual return rate. After 30 years, your initial $10,000 investment will be worth $76,122.55. That’s a $66,000+ profit without working a minute! This makes it one of my best ways to invest your money.

Making a lot of money in the stock market is all about long term returns and limiting expenses. If you choose to hire a financial advisor, this can cost you a few percentage points, eating into your gains which can cost thousands of dollars annually. That’s why I prefer a simpler investment like index funds.

Related: How to Make Money on Autopilot

Can You Make Daily Returns by Investing?

Absolutely. There are many types of investments you can use to make daily returns and grow your money.

It’s important to keep your expectations realistic otherwise you’ll run the risk of getting burnt out from your investments. 

By investing in the stock market, real estate, or starting an online business you can earn money without having to work. 

Related: How to Turn 10k Into 100k

Investments with Weekly ReturnsInvestments with Weekly Returns

Top Investment with Weekly Returns

If you’re searching for investment options with weekly returns, many of the same ways to invest will apply.

Some of the most common include:

  • Investing in the stock market with Acorns
  • Investing in real estate with LEX Markets
  • Investing in crypto with Gemini
  • Investing in a savings account with CIT Bank

While some of these methods might not pay out until the end of the month or whenever you sell the investment, they can still grow in value each week.

Other Circumstances to Consider When Investing

Before you start investing all of your money into the stock market, index funds, or other investment options, you should take into account some of these considerations. 


Before you invest a penny, it’s a good idea to ensure you don’t have any high-interest debts such as credit cards, personal loans, or student loans. These debts can cost you thousands of dollars over the course of a year and crush your dreams of financial freedom. What’s considered high interest? If any debts have an interest rate above 7%, it’s wise to pay off these debts before investing.

If you’re struggling with these debts, you might try to start a side hustle to earn money and use the additional cash to pay off debt and start investing.


Unfortunately, the money you make from investing will be taxed. If you hold the investment for shorter than one year, your gains will be taxed as short-term capital gains, which can be significantly more than taxes on long term capital gains for investments held longer than 1 year. If you buy and sell stocks frequently, you’ll be faced with a larger tax bill at the end of the year.

Invest in Your Strengths

There are different investment opportunities that come up all of the time, but that doesn’t mean they’re for you. You should always take into account your strengths and weaknesses before making a decision about growing your money. For example, if you’re not comfortable investing in real estate, it’s okay to avoid it altogether and lean towards something more simple like the stock market.

Final Thoughts on Investing for Daily Returns

No matter what your financial goals are, you should always ensure you have the funds available and an emergency fund set aside before investing in any business or fund. Investing with credit is NEVER a good idea. With any investment strategy, you should consider long term goals and invest wisely.

If you’re wondering how to invest and make money daily, it’s easier than you might think.

I’d start by parking some of your money in the Tellus app to earn daily income. Next, you can invest in real estate crowdfunding with LEX Markets. Finally, you can grow your money in stocks with a platform like Acorns.

While investing can be complicated, it doesn’t have to be! Use these simple platforms to build wealth and make money daily today!

Forrest is a personal finance, entrepreneurship, and investing expert dedicated to helping others obtain life long wealth.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in business and has been featured in many popular publications including Forbes, Business Insider, Bankrate, CNET Money, and many others.
To learn more about Forrest, visit the About Us Page for more info.

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