Consider the following, not so exciting, git workflow, common in trunk-based development, where branches should be short-lived.
You start by cloning an existing repository…
$ git clone
You create a new local branch, make changes, and commit them…
$ git switch -c feat/the-next-big-thing
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "implements the next big thing"
[feat/the-next-big-thing 914d7be] implements the next big thing
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 TheNextBigThing.cs
You push the branch back to the remote…
$ git remote -v
origin [email protected]:matthiasguentert/my-project.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:matthiasguentert/my-project.git (push)
$ git push --set-upstream origin feat/the-next-big-thing
At this point, the local branch has a remote tracking branch.
in your git config, so you don’t have to set the upstream manually.
`git config –global –add –bool push.autoSetupRemote true`
You create a pull request that gets approved, and the remote branch gets deleted. You switch back to main, pull in the latest changes, and head to the next task.
$ git switch main
$ git pull
$ git switch -c feat/another-task
Over time, your list of local branches without a remote tracking branch accumulates. Sure, you can periodically review your list of local branches and perform some manual cleanup…
$ git branch -va
feat/feature1 9f9ccc9 [origin/feat/feature1: gone] a commit msg here
feat/feature2 abcdeaf [origin/feat/feature2: gone] a commit msg and here
feat/featureN 1234567 [origin/feat/featureN: gone] a commit msg there
$ git branch -d feat/feature1
$ git branch -d ...
But this is tiring and repetitive…
The shortcut
So, long story short. I use two one-liners with aliases to save me some time every day.
Zsh & Bash
Add the alias either to ~/.zshrc
when on Mac or your ~/.bashrc
# git list untracked branches
alias glu="git fetch -p; git branch -vva | grep ': gone\]' | awk '{print \$1}'"
# git remove untracked branches
alias gru="git fetch -p; git branch -vva | grep ': gone\]' | awk '{print \$1}' | xargs git branch -D"
Add these functions to your $profile
function glu {
git fetch --prune | Out-Null
$goneBranches = git branch -vva | Select-String ": gone]"
if ($goneBranches) {
$goneBranches | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split '\s+')[1]
} else {
Write-Host "No untracked branches to display" -ForegroundColor Yellow
function gru {
git fetch --prune | Out-Null
$goneBranches = git branch -vva | Select-String ": gone]" | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split '\s+')[1] }
if ($goneBranches) {
$goneBranches | ForEach-Object { git branch -D $_ }
} else {
Write-Host "No untracked branches to delete" -ForegroundColor Yellow
In case you are not using squash commit on merge, you should replace git branch -D
with git branch -d
Further reading
Trunk Based Development
A portal on this practice