How Long Does It Take To Settle a Truck Wreck Claim? - The Legend of Hanuman

How Long Does It Take To Settle a Truck Wreck Claim?

Truck wreck attorneys know best that there are several factors that influence how long 18-wheeler lawsuits take. From the complexity of the accident to disputes over fault to the willingness of the insurance company to settle, the unique details of your case will influence the amount of time it takes to reach a favorable outcome.

If you are considering filing a lawsuit or are in the middle of the process, it’s important to understand that these claims can be highly complex, involving multiple parties and significant damages. You are sure to face resistance from the insurance companies, and it can take time to unravel the question of who, ultimately, is responsible for the damages caused by the accident.

We understand how difficult it can be to wait, especially when you are facing medical bills and other costs with no guarantee of compensation. Trust us when we say that working with truck wreck attorneys will speed up that process and significantly improve your chances of a fair and full settlement.

Patrick Daniel Law is here to help with an approach that is Strategic. Meticulous. Merciless. Our truck accident attorney in Houston has vast experience representing victims, and we are here to advocate for you at this trying time. For a FREE consultation, call us today at (713) 999-6666.

How Long Does It Take to Settle an 18-Wheeler Lawsuit?

Reaching a settlement agreement is usually the quickest way to resolve a claim. Without the need for a formal trial, both sides can negotiate until they reach an agreed-upon offer.

However, in complex 18-wheeler accident claims with massive damages, it can take time to reach a satisfactory settlement agreement. The primary reason for this is that it may not be clear right away how much your settlement is worth.

If your injuries are serious and require ongoing treatment, it can take months for the long-term damages to become apparent. Your truck wreck attorney also needs time to thoroughly investigate, determine liability, gather evidence, and prepare your claim.

In some cases, this can all be accomplished within several months’ time. Still, it is not uncommon for it to take over a year or more to reach a settlement agreement.

What Is the Longest a Settlement Can Take?

In the most complex of cases, settlement negotiations can last years. Some claims, especially those involving serious injuries or death, are worth millions of dollars, and the insurance company is likely to do whatever it can to pay as little in compensation as possible.

In many cases, they will provide an initial “low-ball” offer in hopes you are eager to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this offer is typically much lower than what you actually deserve.

Luckily, truck wreck attorneys are well-versed in settlement negotiations and handling insurance companies. They will calculate the full extent of your damages and fight for every penny. There is no reason to leave money on the table when you both need and deserve compensation for the losses you’ve suffered.

What Factors Affect the Length of Time It Takes To Settle an 18-Wheeler Lawsuit?

There are a few key factors that influence how long settlements take to reach, including:

Disputed Liability

In 18-wheeler accident claims, many parties could bear some responsibility, including:

  • Truck drivers
  • Trucking companies
  • Parts manufacturers
  • Maintenance companies
  • And more

When multiple parties bear a percentage of liability, it can lead to arguments over who should be held responsible for damages.

Medical Complexity

When injuries are serious, it can be difficult to determine how expensive they will be to treat and how long it will take to recover—if a full recovery is even possible. Waiting for an accurate medical picture to come into focus can take time.

Insurance Tactics

Insurance companies may also use delay tactics in hopes you will accept a lower amount than you deserve. It’s important to hold them accountable throughout the process to avoid unnecessary delays.

Working with an experienced truck wreck attorney can help keep a claim running smoothly. This is especially true when it comes time to argue with big companies and insurance adjusters accustomed to bullying the little guy. Having a practiced advocate at your side evens the playing field and keeps things moving.

How Do Truck Accident Lawsuits Work?

While every accident and every claim is different, most 18-wheeler accident lawsuits follow a general process:

  • Investigation: Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to uncover evidence and determine how the accident occurred and who was responsible.
  • Filing a claim: Your truck wreck lawyer will file a claim for damages with the negligent party’s insurance company.
  • Negotiation: If the insurance company accepts liability on behalf of their policyholder, they will usually offer a settlement that is less than the value of the claim. Your lawyer will negotiate with them to attempt to reach a fair offer.
  • Litigation, if necessary: If you are unable to reach a settlement, your lawyer will file a lawsuit and your case will enter the legal system. Both sides will participate in the discovery process leading up to a trial.

The best outcome for all sides is usually a settlement, though it’s important to keep the option of trial open. If your lawyer is only interested in taking a settlement offer, you may not recover as much as you could have if you had gone to trial.

How Much Are Most Truck Accident Settlements?

As with the timeframes of 18-wheeler accident settlements, how much they are worth depends on the unique circumstances of your individual claim. The most important factor is the cost of your economic damages, which may include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Rehabilitation
  • Modifications to home or vehicle
  • And more

The cost of your economic damages can also help determine the value of other damages, such as pain and suffering. All told, it is not uncommon for truck accident settlements to be worth six, seven, or even eight figures.

Read More: What Is the Average Truck Accident Settlement in Texas?

Do I Need a Truck Wreck Attorney?

An 18-wheeler accident attorney can be an invaluable resource for victims. Truck accident claims tend to be much more involved than most personal injury claims because they usually involve more laws and regulations, more potentially liable parties, and more resistance from insurance companies.

An experienced lawyer can partner with you to:

  • Handle the investigation from beginning to end
  • Gather evidence and interview witnesses
  • Recruit expert witnesses who can attest to important facts
  • Negotiate with insurance companies
  • Keep all of your information organized, including medical bills and records
  • Fight for a full and fair verdict at trial, if necessary

The most important thing is to make sure the truck wreck attorneys you work with have vast experience winning compensation for their clients.

Contact Patrick Daniel Law for a FREE Consultation

At Patrick Daniel Law, we know how overwhelming the aftermath of a truck accident can be. If you have recently been injured, our truck wreck lawyers bring a Strategic. Meticulous. Merciless. approach to ensuring your rights are protected.

Insurance companies will do whatever they can to avoid responsibility for your damages, so our mission is to hold them accountable and help you obtain the justice you deserve at the time you need it most.

To get started with a FREE case review, contact our truck accident attorney in Houston today. We represent clients throughout Texas.

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