Growing up, one of my favorite holidays was Halloween. I loved the costumes, the decorations, and, of course, the candy. The anticipation of planning my costume, carving pumpkins with my family, and going out trick-or-treating made it a magical time of year. Even though we weren’t the wealthiest of families, we always found ways to enjoy Halloween on a budget and make it memorable. Instead of buying expensive costumes and decorations, we got creative and made our own.

To this day, I still prefer to have fun putting together my outfits and decorations. Most times it ends up saving a lot of money, but all the time it turns out to be a fun time to spend time together and make memories. I believe Halloween is about creativity, joy, and the community spirit, not about how much money you spend. Whether you’re crafting costumes from thrift store finds, making your spooky decorations, or finding deals on candy, there are countless ways to enjoy Halloween on a budget. Here are my tips on how to keep the spooky season affordable without missing out on any of the fun.

How To Celebrate Halloween Without Breaking The Bank
Between costumes, decorations, and candy, if you’re paying full price for these items, it can add up very quickly. But with a little planning and ingenuity, you can still have a great time without spending a fortune and breaking the bank. Here are some of the ways I keep this season affordable.

DIY Costumes
My Halloween costumes start by either already having an idea of what I want to be, then raiding my closet to see what I can use for it. Or… I raid my closet first to get ideas of what I can make a costume out of.

One year I was Linda from the animated sitcom, Bob’s Burgers. All I had to buy was an apron and draw on pockets. Then I used construction paper to make fake hair like hers.
You can also go to cheap dollar stores and thrift stores to buy pieces of outfits to put together. One year I bought a $3 cape at the thrift store, then a $1 set of teeth at Walmart… Instant vampire costume!
Affordable Decorations
As you can see, I’m a big fan of DIY. But when it comes to Halloween decorations, I always have to look up ideas from the pros online, and there are so many videos to peruse! It’s amazing the things that can be made from simple items around the home like paper, cardboard, and a little paint.

If you’re not the DIY type, many stores offer affordable Halloween decorations. I always check the dollar stores first and look out for sales after the holiday. You save them for the next year in addition to reusing decorations to save even more!

Saving on Candy and Treats
Halloween candy is one of the hardest areas in which to save money; however, there are still ways! I find that buying candy in bulk from warehouse stores like Costco or Sam’s Club offers the best deals on large bags of candy.

You can also stretch your candy budget by mixing it up with little toys and trinkets such as spider rings, spooky pencils, erasers, stickers, and more. I loved my little spider ring as a child!
Although giving out homemade treats isn’t generally accepted anymore, it’s still another way to save money among people you know, such as if you’re hosting a party. You can even wrap each treat individually for more safety.
Budget Activity Ideas
Now that we’re all dressed up, where can we go? I see every holiday as a good time to get together with friends and family and have fun. This, as well, doesn’t have to cost much money.

One great way to save money at any event is to have a potluck. The last Halloween I spent like this, we all just gathered around a fire eating, drinking, and playing games. It was a great event and did not cost much.

You can also host a movie night using a streamed service or channels showing movie marathons. Or, take a trip to a local pumpkin patch or corn maze. Sites like Pumpkin Patches and More can help you find locations near you. The maze especially is a good way to spend a few hours while you’re lost and can’t find your way out… just kidding!

I also love to look out for free or cheap events within my community to enjoy. I’ve taken part in paint nights, guessing games, and other fun activities!

Halloween is a time for fun scares, not actual scares of overspending or not being able to afford anything. By using some of the tips I’ve shared, you can enjoy all the spooky season has to offer without breaking the bank.

Whether you’re crafting your costume, decorating your home, or planning activities with friends, a little planning and creativity can go a long way. So, embrace the spirit of Halloween, have fun, and enjoy the holiday without the scare of overspending. Happy Halloween!
Now that we’ve got Halloween covered, it’s time to start thinking about the next big holiday—Thanksgiving! Just like Halloween, Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some tips to help you enjoy a memorable and affordable Thanksgiving.