Distribution Processing Center Mailer - The Legend of Hanuman

Distribution Processing Center Mailer

As part of my I Buy Junk Mail program, a fabulous reader sent in the mailer below.

The Distribution Processing Center appears to send out the mailer, as you can see below, using what might be interpreted as an official-looking form.

Distribution Processing Center Inside anonymized

Keep your eyes open for mailers from the Distribution Processing Center, PO BOX 1748, KENNESAW GA 30156-9855.

The outside of the envelope does not offer any clarification information.

Distribution Processing Center anonymized

However, it does offer up a different mailing address: Distribution Processing Center, PO Box 689, Marietta, GA 30061-0689.

In my opinion, mailers like this can be potentially problematic when they can be misconstrued as official government forms, ask for personal information, and don’t disclose how the information may be used.

The last time I wrote about the Distribution Processing Center was in 2022. Logically, the mailer must work to have a version still in use.

My advice is to take a moment to contemplate who you are giving your information to before just filling out the form. Is this a lead generation company? Will your data be sold?

It looks like they are still dying to get your information.

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Steve Rhode is the Get Out of Debt Guy and has been helping good people with bad debt problems since 1994. You can learn more about Steve, here.

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