Creating useful gestures on macOS with BetterTouchTool | by JJ - The Legend of Hanuman

Creating useful gestures on macOS with BetterTouchTool | by JJ

As of late I’ve been thinking about how I could speed up my workflow — both in terms of working faster and working more efficiently. We spend so much time on our Macs, yet we spend little energy thinking about how we can cut down on friction during use.

I’ll skip over the simple stuff like using Evernote, reaching Inbox Zero and using a proper task management app. Those are well known and pretty well documented.

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I’m talking about creating custom keyboard commands and gestures.

And before you stop reading and start rolling your eyes, let me promise you that this is not a waste of time.

Note that I have no financial interest in pushing you to use this app. It’s just something that I’ve been playing with for a long time. I don’t know the developer personally, but from his blog it looks like he works on it solo and full time!

Better Touch Tool allows you to map custom key commands and gestures to an action of your choice.

Using the app is dead simple.

1. Specify the Trackpad Gesture / Keyboard Command

There’s a whole list of available options in the app.

For example, you can specify a Four Finger Tap to open a specific app.

2. Enter the desired outcome

For example, CMD + T opens a new tab in most apps.

3. Specify if the shortcut is Global or App-Specific

For example, you want your gestures to work only in Safari, not in Finder.

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I am a passionate blogger with extensive experience in web design. As a seasoned YouTube SEO expert, I have helped numerous creators optimize their content for maximum visibility.

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