Whenever I search (google) for hot to do canary, A/B, progressive or whatever type of deployment to Kubernetes, the solutions are either Argo or Flagger. Both great tools. In fact I have used Flagger many times with my previous employer, and some day probably at my current as well. After all we already use Flux. But did you know you can do a controlled deployment to a subset of your users, with NGINX Ingress alone?
Progressive delivery
The concept of progressive delivery is already known to most, and you can find multiple definitions. But the whole point is to deploy your latest application version, and slowly shift users to the new version. Hopefully minimizing errors and happier customers. The default deployment strategy for Kubernetes is RollingUpdate
and is kind of progressive in it self, but can only handle container errors, and not functional ones. You control your deployment rollout using maxUnavailable
and maxSurge
. The latter controls how many pods to scale out, and the first how many can be unavailable.
If your deployment have
replicas and you setmaxSurge: 1
andmaxUnavailable: 0
Kubernetes will create one additional pod before removing one existing. Keeping three pods available.Canary with NGINX
Where I work, many of our applications are tightly coupled. Some because they need to, others because it just happened. While the older application stack is slowly being de-coupled by the introduction of newer services. The need to do a more controlled rollout is emerging. Switching K8S clusters is, in my opinion a bit drastic, but since our customers are in the more conservative end of the spectrum, we need to be in full control, and be able to move fast. And since only a subset of our applications are ready for a canary approach I do not see the need to introduce Flagger just yet.
Our setup is using Flux for GItOps, and NGINX ingress for the canary, and we control the traffic either through a header or a percentage of the traffic. A combination of header present and header value can also be used. In our case we know for example which country our customers comes from, so we can use
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/canary-by-header: customer-region
andnginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/canary-by-header-value norway
to route all Norwegian customers to the latest versionWith this our developers can monitor and validate new versions with minimal impact, and quickly revert (or promote) the canary by updating their deployment manifests.
Below is a simple setup with two deployments, two services, and two ingresses.