Basics about Azure Private DNS zone - The Legend of Hanuman

Basics about Azure Private DNS zone

Azure Private DNS empowers you to efficiently address domain names within a virtual network, eliminating the need for a custom DNS server.
Remember that the records in a private DNS zone can’t be accessed online. DNS resolution only works for virtual networks connected to that private DNS zone. Use custom domain names rather than the Azure-provided names available today. The records in a private DNS zone aren’t resolvable from the Internet. DNS resolution against a private DNS zone works only from virtual networks linked to it, which means the organization’s security is improved.

Table of Contents


The resources you need in order to make this working are:

  • An Azure Virtual Network with a subnet
  • An Azure Private Dns
  • An Azure Virtual Machine

Create an Azure VNet

I will create a straightforward Azure Virtual Network (VNet).


Rename the subnet from “default” to “main.”



Create an Azure Private DNS Zone

I am going to create an Azure Private DNS Zone. First, I will search for “private dns zone” and then confidently select “Create.”

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On the Basics tab, I will enter my private DNS zone name and choose Review + Create.


Link the VNet to Azure Private DNS

I’m almost done! I will link the private DNS zone to the virtual network by adding a Virtual Network Link.

Under DNS Management, under the left-hand pane, select Virtual Network Links +Add.


Type a link name, select your VNet from the Virtual Network drop-down menu (for example, grammatikosVnet), and ensure you check the “Enable auto registration” option under Configuration.


Within seconds, the link name will appear, indicating a status of “Completed.”


To validate the functionality of the Azure Private DNS zone, I set up an Azure VM and performed tests using the command prompt with the well-known ping command. This approach ensured that everything was working as expected.

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The image below clearly illustrates what I mentioned earlier, featuring the GIF following the successful deployment of the VM, along with a new record visible in the record set.


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