Azure Networking Zero to Hero – Routing in Azure – Michael Durkan - The Legend of Hanuman

Azure Networking Zero to Hero – Routing in Azure – Michael Durkan

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In this post, I’m going to try and explain Routing in Azure. This is a topic that grows in complexity the more you expand your footprint in Azure in terms of both Virtual Networks, and also the services you use to both create your route tables and route your traffic.

Understanding Azure’s Default Routing

As we saw in the previous post when a virtual network is created, this also creates a route table. This contains a default set of routes known as System Routes, which are shown here:

Source Address prefixes Next hop type
Default Virtual Network Address Space Virtual network
Default Internet
Default None (Dropped)
Default None (Dropped)
Default None (Dropped)

Lets explain the “Next hop types” is in a bit more detail:

  • Virtual network: Routes traffic between address ranges within the address space of a virtual network. So lets say I have a Virtual Network with the address space defined. I then have VM1 in a subnet with the address range trying to reach VM2 in a subnet with the address range. It know to keep this within the Virtual Network and routes the traffic successfully.
  • Internet: Routes traffic specified by the address prefix to the Internet. If the destination address range is not part of a Virtual Network address space, its gets routed to the Internet. The only exception to this rule is if trying to access an Azure Service – this goes across the Azure Backbone network no matter which region the service sits in.
  • None: Traffic routed to the None next hop type is dropped. This automatically includes all Private IP Addresses as defined by RFC1918, but the exception to this is your Virtual Network address space.

Simple, right? Well, its about to get more complicated …..

Additional Default Routes

Azure adds more default system routes for different Azure capabilities, but only if you enable the capabilities:

Source Address prefixes Next hop type
Default Peered Virtual Network Address Space VNet peering
Virtual network gateway Prefixes advertised from on-premises via BGP, or configured in the local network gateway Virtual network gateway
Default Multiple VirtualNetworkServiceEndpoint

So lets take a look at these:

  • Virtual network (VNet) peering: when a peering is created between 2 VNets, Azure adds the address spaces of each of the peered VNets to the Route tables of the source VNets.
  • Virtual network gateway: this happens when S2S VPN or Express Route connectivity is establised and adds address spaces that are advertised from either Local Network Gateways or On-Premises gateways via BGP (Border Gateway Protocol). These address spaces should be summarized to the largest address range coming from On-Premises, as there is a limit of 400 routes per route table.
  • VirtualNetworkServiceEndpoint: this happens when creating a direct service endpoint for an Azure Service, enables private IP addresses in the VNet to reach the endpoint of an Azure service without needing a public IP address on the VNet.

Custom Routes

The limitations of sticking with System Routes is that everything is done for you in the background – there is no way to make changes.

This is why if you need to make change to how your traffic gets routed, you should use Custom Routes, which is done by creating a Route Table. This is then used to override Azure’s default system routes, or to add more routes to a subnet’s route table.

You can specify the following “next hop types” when creating user-defined routes:

  • Virtual Appliance: This is typically Azure Firewall, Load Balancer or other virtual applicance from the Azure Marketplace. The appliance is typically deployed in a different subnet than the resources that you wish to route through the Virtual Appliance. You can define a route with as the address prefix and a next hop type of virtual appliance, with the next hop address set as the internal IP Address of the virtual appliance, as shown below. This is useful if you want all outbound traffic to be inspected by the appliance:
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  • Virtual network gateway: used when you want traffic destined for specific address prefixes routed to a virtual network gateway. This is useful if you have an On-Premises device that inspects traffic an determines whether to forward or drop the traffic.
  • None: used when you want to drop traffic to an address prefix, rather than forwarding the traffic to a destination.
  • Virtual network: used when you want to override the default routing within a virtual network.
  • Internet: used when you want to explicitly route traffic destined to an address prefix to the Internet

You can also use Service Tags as the address prefix instead of an IP Range.

How Azure selects which route to use?

When outbound traffic is sent from a subnet, Azure selects a route based on the destination IP address, using the longest prefix match algorithm. So if 2 routes exist with and a, Azure will select the /24 as it has the longest prefix.

If multiple routes contain the same address prefix, Azure selects the route type, based on the following priority:

  • User-defined route
  • BGP route
  • System route

So, the initial System Routes are always the last ones to be checked.

Conclusion and Resources

I’ve put in some links already in the article. The main place to go for a more in-depth deep dive on Routing is this MS Learn Article on Virtual Network Traffic Routing.

As regards people to follow, there’s no one better than my fellow MVP Aidan Finn who writes extensively about networking over at his blog. He also delivered this excellent session at the Limerick Dot Net Azure User Group last year which is well worth a watch for gaining a deep understanding of routing in Azure.

Hope you enjoyed this post, until next time!!

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