Automated Network Traffic Engineering and Tunneling - The Legend of Hanuman

Automated Network Traffic Engineering and Tunneling

Aptira’s team of world-class SDN, Service Orchestration and Cloud engineers recognised the customer’s problem and were able to design a solution, using a combination of Software Defined Network (SDN) and Service Orchestration techniques.

To solve this challenge, we demonstrated how the combination of technologies such as Service Orchestration (i.e. Cloudify), SDN controller (i.e. ODL), and TICK stack can be used to implement network traffic engineering.

Aptira designed a Software Defined Networking Wide Area Network (SDN-WAN) topology and employed OpenDayLight (ODL) as an SDN controller to manage network resources. We then configured Cloudify as a Service Orchestrator (SO) to implement new service designs using TOSCA blueprints.

We designed the TOSCA blueprints in order to get updated information about the network topology based on recent updates in the network. The TOSCA blueprint triggered Cloudify to send a REST API request to OpenDayLight, querying the network topology and receiving the topology data of any changes. The TOSCA blueprint was then able to design a new network service based on these changes.

As an example of Traffic Engineering in real time, our solution performed the following steps (as shown in the figure) in a fully automated process, without human intervention:

This solution is self-healing, self-optimising in the case of link or network device failure. Moreover, the solution is not dependent on the SDN controller, which means any customer can adapt this solution to its production network with its own controller.

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