— a combination of simple living, anticonsumerism, DIY ethics, self-reliance, resilience, and applied capitalism - The Legend of Hanuman

— a combination of simple living, anticonsumerism, DIY ethics, self-reliance, resilience, and applied capitalism

You can find a similar list for 2008 here. To see the best of 2007 which is really only December, just look through that month. There are some good ones in there too.

Let me know which topics you would like to see in the future
Day 14: Investing for early retirement – Part 1
What is freedom?
A tribute to my pressure cooker
Productivity and the Goose that laid the Golden Eggs
Day 15: The first two weeks of the make over
My HDHP HSA and some comments on health care
Day 16: The stuff you actually keep and use
The consequence of finite energy
Changing habits or changing the habits
The best way to switch to a raw food diet
Stock returns in the long run
Tough to answer: What do you do for a living?
Early retirement extreme retirement plan
Children and early retirement

Food and water supply
Symptoms and diseases
Personal finance development
Guest post: DW on how it is to live with me
The follow up
Why work?
The evolution of the meaning of money
Put some clothes on, damnit!

Simple personality types and their behavior
What’s the point of education?
Build a worm composting system
What’s the most economically inefficient gadget you own?
I retired from my career
Breaking up with your career …
What’s the difference between a frog and a modern human?
The virtue of discomfort
Quotes relevant to specialization

Pareto barriers
And so it begins …
On the universally declining standards of living
Speeding and transportation
My dream
Random musings on biotic potentials and interest rates
What did you want to do when you grew up
Tolerance ranges and cold showers
One week into “retirement”
The future of extreme early retirement
Day 17: Maintaining and repairing things
Day 18: Join a challenge
Ecological housing – consider an RV
Interview with Modern Gal
Today’s anti-consumer rant
Consumerism II
A different perspective
Three weeks after quitting my job
The paradox of thrift
A duty to work
25 things you (probably) didn’t know about me
Does money only exist to be spent?

Price and value
What’s your financial independence target year?
How to change and how to fail at changing
How to deal with heat
My top 5 tips to becoming an extreme early retirement expert
Incomplete list of hobbies that could earn money
Which blogs do you read?
The three things I did right (and so can you)
Four requirements for change
The minimal number of tools
Unrecognized personality disorders
The wealthy shall inherit the Earth
Slaying the “I might need it someday”-monster
What makes me feel rich
Attaining the right weight
When form follows function

My 4 hour work week
My list of financial freedom books
Does early retirement require a specific personality?
Things I would like to learn versus Things I could teach
The index vs mutual funds debate
I just started an exercise program – what should I expect?
How to spend very little money
The Tao of The Intellect
Twitter interview #1
Day 19: Getting rid of your TV (addiction)
The feeling of time
Teaching and talking
Twitter interview#2
How to understand distribution
When does an emergency fund become superfluous
Day 20: Own classics
Being frugal beyond your means

Don’t forget that you can subscribe to the blog feed by using the buttons in the top right corner. You can also find ERE on facebook, and you can follow me on twitter as well.

Originally posted 2009-07-16 10:33:30.

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