A new Administration of Justice Bulletin on Aggregation of Financial Crimes is now available. I previously posted about this topic here, and the bulletin expands on the issue, seeking to place G.S. 15A-1340.16F within the context of other sentence enhancement statutes.
Under new G.S. 1340.16F, if a person is convicted of two or more of the same financial crime offenses, the offenses may be aggregated for sentencing. Aggregation under G.S. 15A-1340.16F allows a greater range of sentence durations than was previously possible, a feature that will be particularly important to prosecutors and defenders seeking to negotiate a plea agreement. This bulletin identifies which financial crime offenses are eligible for aggregation, how and when these offenses may be aggregated, and what the punishment consequences are for this type of sentence enhancement.
In addition, new episodes of Turning State’s, an SOG podcast, are now available. Turning State’s is a podcast for North Carolina prosecutors and others interested in the criminal justice system in North Carolina. Hosted by Joseph L. Hyde, with SOG, and Jonathan Holbrook, with NCCDA, the podcast follows the format of a case update. Each episode features Hyde and Holbrook discussing a few criminal cases recently decided by North Carolina appellate courts.