Their metal detector are world class and very well known and used by artisanal miner and
UN and other organisation to detect mines etc…
they are the metal detector to get if you are serious…they are so good the Chinese
try to knock it off and sell them as CDA products…
it is a funny stories because a lot of them buy these cheap knock off and has CDA label all over it
they brought back to CDA shop for support and service…..CDA now implement chips in these devices
to counter the knock off.
Their radio business is target at military use and mining where there is little
communication infrastructure so you can say this guy build a name on the
frontier markets and less developed countries
Their products and services are well known so people keep coming back for more
pretty much like ARP in 4 wheels drive…if you want 4 Wheels accessories then ARB is
the name…
There is a lot to like about this business, strong balance sheet, excellent management
who look after small shareholders like the big guys, great dividend and It was very cheap
when I bought it…another business buy and hold..